Why we must vote:: Duty, Improve our future, Stop corruption.

Illinois State Board of Elections

Illinois Election Code

Corruption at the local government level often exploits public office for personal gain. The most common types include:

1. Bribery & Kickbacks

  • Contractors or developers pay public officials for favorable decisions on permits, zoning, or contracts.
  • Officials demand kickbacks (a portion of public funds) in exchange for awarding government contracts.

2. Nepotism & Cronyism

  • Hiring unqualified family members or friends for government positions.
  • Steering public contracts or grants to personal associates or donors.

3. Embezzlement & Misuse of Public Funds

  • Officials siphon public money into private accounts or fake projects.
  • Fraudulent expense reimbursements, ghost employees, or misallocating funds for personal use.

4. Bid Rigging & Procurement Fraud

  • Manipulating public bidding processes so that a preselected company wins.
  • Overpaying for public services or infrastructure in exchange for kickbacks.

5. Pay-to-Play Schemes

  • Businesses must make political donations or personal gifts to get contracts, permits, or tax breaks.
  • Politicians fundraise with the implied promise of future government favors.

6. Police & Law Enforcement Corruption

  • Accepting bribes to ignore illegal activities (e.g., drug trafficking, illegal businesses).
  • Planting evidence, racial profiling, or selective law enforcement for political purposes.

7. Election Fraud & Voter Manipulation

  • Manipulating absentee ballots or intimidating voters.
  • Illegally using public resources (employees, vehicles, offices) for political campaigns.

8. Code Enforcement & Permit Abuse

  • Officials selectively enforcing building codes and ordinances to punish political opponents.
  • Deliberately delaying or denying permits unless a bribe is paid.

9. Land Use & Development Corruption

  • Rezoning areas to benefit developers in exchange for campaign contributions or under-the-table deals.
  • Seizing private property under eminent domain and reselling it to private investors at a profit.

10. Favoritism in Policing & Justice System

  • Protecting influential figures from investigation or prosecution.
  • Giving lenient sentences or dismissing charges for political allies while being harsh on critics.

11. Manipulating Public Property Sales & Leases

  • Selling public land or buildings at below-market rates to friends, donors, or private entities that will later “return the favor.”
  • Leasing government-owned property to insiders for pennies on the dollar while blocking access to competitors.

12. Pension & Benefit Fraud

  • Public officials artificially boosting their salaries in the final years before retirement to inflate pension payouts.
  • “Double-dipping” – retiring, collecting a pension, and then being rehired in a similar position without competition.
  • Fraudulently listing fake employees or exaggerating disability claims to siphon pension funds.

13. Water, Sewer, & Utility Fraud

  • Local governments giving sweetheart contracts to private utility companies in exchange for personal financial benefits.
  • Overcharging residents for water, trash, or electricity while officials pocket the excess.
  • Intentionally allowing water contamination or environmental hazards to continue because fixing them would reduce profits or expose previous neglect.

14. Selective Taxation & Assessments

  • Unevenly assessing property values to benefit friends and punish enemies.
  • Granting unjustified tax exemptions to politically connected businesses.
  • Excessive fines and fees used to extract money from the public while insiders evade them.

15. Asset Seizure & Civil Forfeiture Abuse

  • Local police seizing cash, vehicles, or homes under civil asset forfeiture laws—without convicting anyone of a crime—and using the funds for department perks.
  • Sheriff departments & county officials spending seized money on luxury travel, parties, or bonuses instead of public services.

16. Quid Pro Quo Real Estate Deals

  • Officials influencing zoning laws to allow big-box retailers or luxury developments, displacing small businesses and low-income residents.
  • Local leaders personally investing in land before rezoning it to increase its value, then flipping it for a huge profit.

17. Fake Nonprofits & Money Laundering

  • Setting up “community development corporations” (CDCs) or nonprofits that receive grants or government funds, then funneling the money to politicians or their allies.
  • Using charitable organizations as a cover for laundering money from bribes or kickbacks.

18. Police Union & Firefighter Union Corruption

  • Excessively padded overtime hours that no one actually worked, leading to multi-million-dollar budget waste.
  • Officers working on private security contracts (off-duty) while still collecting public paychecks.
  • Protecting bad cops or firefighters through union-controlled arbitration, preventing accountability.

19. Court & Judicial Corruption

  • Local judges fixing cases in exchange for bribes or political favors.
  • “Justice for sale” in small-town courts—where attorneys or defendants with connections get better outcomes than the average citizen.
  • Traffic and municipal courts operating like revenue collection agencies, handing out unnecessary fines that disproportionately hurt poor residents.

20. School District & Education Corruption

  • Inflating student enrollment numbers to receive more state and federal funding.
  • Steering school construction projects to favored contractors for kickbacks.
  • School board members taking bribes to approve textbooks, technology, or food service contracts from certain vendors.
  • Hiding or covering up misconduct by teachers, administrators, or coaches to protect the district’s reputation.

21. Healthcare & Public Health Fraud

  • Misreporting health statistics to qualify for more government funding.
  • Allowing nursing homes or local hospitals to mistreat patients while protecting them from oversight.
  • Diverting opioid settlement money or COVID-19 relief funds for unrelated projects or personal gain.

22. Voter Roll Manipulation & Political Intimidation

  • Keeping dead people on voter rolls or purging legitimate voters without cause.
  • Using local police or city workers to intimidate or harass political opponents.
  • Gerrymandering town or county district lines to keep the same people in power.

23. Suppressing Whistleblowers & Retaliation

  • Firing, demoting, or blacklisting city employees who report corruption.
  • Intimidating local journalists or independent watchdogs who expose misconduct.
  • Using bogus lawsuits or defamation claims to silence critics.

24. Emergency & Disaster Relief Fraud

  • Inflating damages from hurricanes, tornadoes, or floods to receive more FEMA money—then misusing the funds.
  • Hoarding relief supplies or giving them out selectively based on political or personal favoritism.

25. Police & Public Safety Budget Manipulation

  • Exaggerating crime statistics to justify larger police budgets.
  • Using anti-terrorism or homeland security grants for non-security expenses (e.g., luxury cars, parties, or travel).
  • Private prison kickbacks—judges or law enforcement officials receive money for filling private jails with minor offenders.

26. Public Transit & Infrastructure Fraud

  • Awarding fake “studies” and consulting contracts to political insiders.
  • Letting roads, bridges, and transit systems fall apart while pocketing infrastructure funds.
  • Overpricing highway tolls and fees while money disappears into bureaucratic black holes.

27. Social Services & Welfare Fraud

  • Politicians steering housing vouchers or public assistance to their friends and donors.
  • Misusing funds intended for homeless shelters, food banks, or addiction treatment centers.

28. Censorship & Control of Public Meetings

  • Changing public comment rules to silence dissenters.
  • Intentionally holding public meetings at inconvenient times to avoid community oversight.
  • Blocking FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests or charging outrageous fees for public records.

These forms of corruption are often hidden behind bureaucracy, but investigative journalism, whistleblower actions, and watchdog organizations help expose them.