
​Water Dont think there is anything here new, but search found this. In 2024, Granite City, Illinois, completed the sale of its wastewater treatment plant to Illinois American Water for $86 million. This transaction added approximately 26,000 wastewater customer connections, encompassing about 10,500 direct and 15,500 indirect customers in surrounding communities. ​ https://amwater.com/press-room/press-releases/illinois/illinois-american-water-completes-acquisition-of-granite-citys-wastewater-treatment-facility%20-%20il https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1410636/000141063624000085/awk-20240311.htmhttps://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1410636/000141063624000085/exhibit991-pressreleaseila.htm https://ir.amwater.com/news-and-events/financial-releases/financial-release-details/2024/Illinois-American-Water-Completes-Acquisition-Of-Granite-Citys-Wastewater-Treatment-Facility/default.aspx … Read more

Understanding Corruption

Investigating corruption in local government requires a mix of document research, public oversight, and strategic action. The key is to follow the money, expose conflicts of interest, and document abuses of power. Here’s a structured step-by-step guide to uncovering corruption in your town, city, or county. 1. Follow the Money – Look at Budgets & … Read more

Open the Books.

A great tool to use. to explore taxpayer spending. Here is a kick start: site:https://www.openthebooks.com/ then search and get into illinoishttps://www.openthebooks.com/search/?q=illinoishttps://www.openthebooks.com/illinois/ then on left side narrow to Cityhttps://www.openthebooks.com/illinois/#City This is just a start. There are details on agencies, school districts, townships, etc…

USA 250 Birthday Celebration. Future Mayor Benda Plans.

Mayor Kim Benda Announces Historic Celebration for America’s 250th Birthday & Anti-Corruption Initiative in Granite City Granite City, IL – January 29, 2025 – Mayor Kim Benda has unveiled an ambitious plan to host one of the most spectacular celebrations in the nation for America’s 250th birthday in 2026, aligning Granite City with the national … Read more

Ending Secrecy and Insider Deals

We will end secrecy, corruption, and insider deals by opening the books and enforcing real oversight.1. Ending Secrecy and Insider Deals Transparent Budgeting

How It All Comes Together

Connecting accountability, investments, and community engagement for lasting impact. 1. Accountability Measures 2. Community Engagement 3. Key Outcomes

Make Granite City Great Again!

! Citywide Investment & Development Our strategy ensures all neighborhoods see the benefits of revitalization, not just downtown. 1. Equitable City Development 2. Technology & Media Hubs 3. Infrastructure Modernization